Offering Circular & EGM of Shareholders

Offering Circular and EGM

DSM and Firmenich jointly launched an exchange offer to DSM shareholders as part of a merger of equals to create dsm-firmenich. This exchange offer has been declared unconditional with all the transaction conditions satisfied or waived.

The number of outstanding shares was 217,095,579 on the convocation date (22 November 2022) and 217,114,307 on the record date (26 December 2022).

More information, including recordings of webcasts to investors and media, plus all the documents associated with this transaction are available at?

Extraordinary General Meeting

The EGM for DSM shareholders was held in Heerlen in the Netherlands on Monday 23 January 2023.?Shareholders voted to approve all the resolutions.

Investor webcast

DSM and Firmenich held a joint webcast for analysts and investors on Tuesday 22 November to provide an update on the progress of the merger made so far.

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