DSM websites overview

Our businesses

Vitamin, carotenoid, eubiotic and enzyme feed additives for livestock and pets.

Vitamins, carotenoids, omega-3 & 6 lipids, nutraceutical ingredients and customized services.

UV filters, vitamins, bioactives, peptides, polymers and aroma ingredients.

Vitamin active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), pharmaceutical lipids and carotenoids.

Biomedical device materials development and manufacturing.

Ingredients and expertise for taste, texture and health solutions.

Products, brands, partnerships & joint ventures

EPA and DHA rich omega-3 oil from marine algae for salmon feed.

A DSM-Avril joint venture producing CanolaPRO? plant-based protein

EVERSWEET?, the next generation of great tasting stevia sweeteners.

Branded consumer products supporting health and wellness.

Vegetarian and sustainable source of DHA produced from microalgae.

High-quality omega-3s EPA and DHA from sustainably sourced fish oil.

Public-private partnership producing highly nutritious foods in Rwanda.

Analytical science partner for industrial processes and applications.

Intelligent sustainability service that delivers farm-level solutions.

Cattle, equine, small ruminant, poultry and swine nutrition in LATAM.

Comprehensive Pectin Portfolio Covering All Applications

Diagnostic solutions for food and feed safety

Research and development of microbial active ingredients

Proven science, powerful technology, and habit building to create truly personalized nutrition solutions

Improved process control & productivity of biogas digesters.

Range of immunity building daily home fortifiers for rice and atta.


  • DSM supplier website

    DSM supplier website

    The DSM supplier website contains information for our partners covering sustainability initiatives, innovation, policies & principles, invoicing, procurement and more.

  • DSM Art Collection

    DSM Art Collection

    The DSM Art Collection is one of the oldest, and still growing, corporate art collections in the Netherlands with works dating from 1927 to present day.

  • Verzekeringen


    DSM Assuranti?n biedt medewerkers, gepensioneerden of AOW-ers van DSM of aan DSM gelieerde bedrijven in Nederland een pakket particuliere schadeverzekeringen aan.

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