Our product stewardship

Managing the impact of our products

Product stewardship

At DSM, our purpose is to create brighter lives for all. We achieve this by using all the scientific and innovation power at our disposal to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges - creating value for customers, shareholders, our people, and society at large.

In order to be successful and credible as a purpose-led company, we strive to conduct our activities in a way that meets today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This means we take responsibility for the protection of the health of humans and animals, and of the environment.

DSM’s vision on product stewardship

As a supplier of health and nutrition products and solutions, DSM acts according to the highest standards through producing safe and healthy products for people, animals, and the planet, and supporting our customers to do the same.

DSM has integrated product stewardship as a leading principle. It is our responsibility to obtain comprehensive information on the safe use of our products, and to make conscious choices in the substances we use and produce, taking into account the whole product life cycle.

We achieve this in close collaboration with our suppliers, customers and other stakeholders along the value chain.

Our commitment on substances of concern1

We will, where possible, select new and safer substances in our innovation projects and support customers to do the same through new, innovative and safer products with ‘safe and sustainable by design’ as the leading principle. At DSM, we apply a risk-based approach, using safer alternatives whenever feasible, and always when required. Every DSM product must be safe2?in its production, application, and until end of life.

1‘Substances of concern’ is used as general wording to indicate the substances that either fulfill certain regulatory criteria (e.g., carcinogenic – category 1B) or are listed by recognized organizations, for their (potential) serious health or environmental risk.

2‘Safe’ means not likely to harm health of people, animals and planet under the conditions of use and disposal.

Creating value

Product stewardship contributes to the value proposition of our business in a world with increasing interest in the health of people, animals, and the planet. It supports the business to be safe, sustainable, and mitigate liabilities. We do our utmost to stay ahead of increasing regulatory requirements and external expectations. We inform our customers and the general public with clear information about the safety, health and environmental aspects of our products.

Responsible Care?

As part of our commitment to Product Stewardship, DSM has adopted and adheres to the principles of the Program of Responsible Care?,?set out by the?International Council of Chemical Associations. This is the chemical industry’s global voluntary initiative where companies work together to improve their management of the health, safety and environmental aspects of a chemical continuously throughout its life cycle.

Responsible Care? is the chemical industry’s global voluntary initiative under which companies, through their national trade associations, work together to continuously improve their health, safety and environmental performance, and to communicate with all relevant stakeholders and with the public about their products, their processes and achievements. The Responsible Care? ethic helps our industry to operate safely, profitably and with due care for future generations, and contributes significantly to sustainable development.

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  • Stakeholder engagement

    Stakeholder engagement

    With its scientific resources and knowledge DSM has a unique opportunity to influence and shape the sustainability agenda, but we cannot do it alone.

  • Our operations

    Our operations

    DSM takes its global environmental and social responsibilities seriously. This goes beyond our own operations to that of our suppliers, customers, and end-users.

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