Our governance

We fervently believe in doing business the right way: from our management and Supervisory Board, to our Code of Business Ethics, to our position papers and statements on key industry issues.

How we operate

Royal DSM B.V. is a company limited by shares listed on the Euronext Amsterdam Stock Exchange, with a Managing Board and an independent Supervisory Board.

Members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Managing & Supervisory Boards

The Managing Board is responsible for the company's strategy, its portfolio policy, the deployment of human and capital resources, the company’s risk management system and the company's financial performance.

The Supervisory Board supervises the policy pursued by the Managing Board, the Managing Board's performance of its managerial duties and the company's general course of affairs, taking account of the interests of all the company's stakeholders.

The annual financial statements are approved by the Supervisory Board and then submitted for adoption to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, accompanied by an explanation by the Supervisory Board of how it carried out its supervisory duties during the year concerned.

Open dialogue

The company is governed by Dutch law and its Articles of Association. The General Meeting of Shareholders decides on an amendment to the Articles of Association by an absolute majority of the votes cast. A decision to amend the Articles of Association may only be taken at the proposal of the Managing Board, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.

DSM fully informs its stakeholders about its corporate objectives, the way the company is managed and the company's performance. Its aim in doing so is to pursue an open dialogue with its shareholders and other stakeholders.

Our Code of Business?Ethics?defines how we choose to do business and interact with all our stakeholders.

At DSM, we collectively embrace the concept of sustainability. To us, being sustainable means simultaneously creating value along three dimensions: human, environmental and economic. In other words, it means a commitment to meeting the triple bottom line of People, Planet and Profit. It is this triple bottom line that forms the framework for our Code of Business Ethics, which defines how we choose to do business and interact with all our stakeholders.

Our purpose is to create brighter lives for all and is driven by our bright science. At DSM we want to be part of society; ultimately, we want to help solve some of the most pressing issues of today’s world. We use our science and expertise to develop innovative solutions that matter. This is why we do what we do.

The Articles of Association of DSM B.V. contain the internal regulations and bye-laws covering procedure, shares, meetings, directors and other administrative issues.

These articles were last amended in accordance with the Resolutions agreed by the General Meeting of Shareholders held on 22 June 2023. The new Articles of Association came into force as of 22 June 2023.

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  • Managing Board

    Managing Board

    Profiles, roles and responsibilities of DSM-Firmenich's Managing Board and its Members.

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