Company strategy


Growth and value: Purpose-led,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Creating value for everyone

Our strategy centers on our continuing evolution towards being a health, nutrition and bioscience leader. The title, 'Growth and value - purpose-led, performance-driven', speaks for itself. We want to continue generating value for all our stakeholders – from customers and shareholders to employees, and society-at-large.

Purpose-led, performance-driven

With our long-term strategy, we are continuing our evolution as a science-based company operating in the fields of health, nutrition and bioscience. Our strong capacity for growth is anchored in developing customer-centric, innovative solutions addressing key societal and environmental needs. At the same time, we are performance-driven as we focus on increasing our operational excellence, managing costs, and accelerating profitable growth and cash generation.

Food & Beverage

In Food & Beverage, we combine food, beverage and pet food activities in a business group that is uniquely able to meet the needs of customers and consumers by developing sustainable taste, texture, and health solutions. The business group’s portfolio includes breakthrough innovations such as EVERSWEET?, a natural calorie-free sweetener, and CanolaPRO?, a plant-based alternative protein.

Health, Nutrition & Care?

Our Health, Nutrition & Care business group aims to keep the world’s growing population healthy through good nutrition and care. Health, Nutrition & Care provides unique science-based solutions for consumers at every life stage with a rich innovation portfolio that includes ampli-D?, a rapid-acting potent form of vitamin D, an extensive algal lipids portfolio, human milk oligosaccharides-prebiotics, and personalized nutrition initiatives such as Hologram Sciences?.?

Animal Nutrition & Health

Animal Nutrition & Health focuses on specialty solutions for a radical transformation in the sustainability of animal protein production and incorporates essential products such as vitamins, carotenoids, eubiotics and mycotoxin risk management as well as a wide range of impactful innovations such as methane inhibitor Bovaer?. This business group also includes precision initiatives with data-driven decision-making tools for famers like Sustell?, and for veterinarians and animal health practitioners like Verax?.

Our evolution continues

In 2023, DSM became a part of DSM-Firmenich to establish the leading creation and innovation partner in nutrition, beauty and well-being. In preparation for this, we have completed the sale of our Materials businesses in transactions that amount to in excess of €5 billion in aggregate. We continue our approach of actively managing our businesses for growth supported by complementary acquisitions, including of the Erber Group (animal nutrition) and Royal CSK (dairy cultures) in recent years, that strengthen and develop our critical capabilities.??

Sustainable Development Goals

We’re so convinced of the value of doing well by doing good that our strategy is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations in 2015.

We contribute to all 17 SDGS by improving the impact of our own operations, enabling?sustainable solutions for our customers, and advocating sustainable business models. We strive to deliver on five in particular:

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  • Our businesses

    Our businesses

    DSM's companies span a range of human and animal health and nutrition businesses.

  • Corporate Governance

    Corporate Governance

    We believe in doing business the right way: from our management and supervisory boards, to our code of business conduct, to our position papers and statements on key industry issues.

  • Sustainability


    We are focused on delivering science-based, sustainable and scalable solutions that address global megatrends and the Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular focus on Nutrition & Health, Climate & Energy and Resources & Circularity.

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