Working together for greater impact

The power of partnerships

Partnering with DSM

There is no innovation without collaboration. We work with thousands of organizations, including startups, academia, suppliers, customers and more all around the world to transform the health of people and the planet for the better.

Startup funding, coaching, and support

As the venture capital arm of DSM, DSM Venturing has invested in more than 100 startups, connecting founders to funding, expertise, and technology to help them succeed in tackling some of the world’s toughest challenges.

Collaboration is a win-win

Long-term partnerships create value for everyone: not just for profit, but for people and our planet. DSM is investing to improve the way we all work together – and encouraging our suppliers to do the same.

A smart way to do business with DSM

Serving our customers with the highest quality is key. ?We operate various webshops and portals which provide as a way for customers to have simpler, smarter, seamless and secure interaction with DSM at any time of the day.

How we operate

The information you need to do business with DSM, including our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase, company registration and VAT details.

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  • Our businesses

    Our businesses

    DSM's companies span a range of human and animal health and nutrition businesses.

  • Managing sustainability

    Managing sustainability

    DSM puts great effort into managing sustainability and putting the right people, partners and processes in place.

  • Our operations

    Our operations

    DSM takes its global environmental and social responsibilities seriously. This goes beyond our own operations to that of our suppliers, customers, and end-users.

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